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Heilnatura Vitamin D3

CHF 19.90

Kategorie: Product ID: 3358


Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is a form of vitamin D that is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight and can also be obtained through consumption of certain foods and through dietary supplements. It plays an essential role in numerous body functions. Here are some of the top benefits of vitamin D3:

Promote bone health: Vitamin D3 is crucial for calcium absorption in the intestines, which is necessary for the development and maintenance of strong bones. A deficiency of vitamin D3 can lead to bone softening (osteomalacia in adults, rickets in children) and osteoporosis.

Immune System Support Vitamin D3 plays an important role in modulating the immune system. It helps strengthen the immune system and can reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases and protect against infections, including the flu and possibly COVID-19.

Improving muscle function Adequate vitamin D3 levels are important for muscle function. A deficiency can lead to muscle weakness and muscle pain.

Prevention and treatment of depression There is evidence that vitamin D3 may play a role in regulating mood and preventing depression. Some studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation can improve symptoms in people with clinical depression.

Supporting Heart Health Vitamin D3 may contribute to heart health by regulating blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Reducing the risk of certain types of cancer Some studies suggest that higher levels of vitamin D may be associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Supporting weight regulation There is evidence that vitamin D3, in conjunction with calcium, may play a role in regulating body weight and could potentially help with weight loss

Recommended consumption: 
1 drop dailyContents: 

Organic rapeseed and argan oil MCT medium-chain triglycerides, cholecalciferol

Ingredients per drop:
Vitamin D3 25 µg


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